Markiewitz Audioworks Rating & Suitability (MARS) Scale

List of Titles and MARS


A Visit From St. Nicholas by Markiewitz Audioworks

Three Christmas Trees by Markiewitz Audioworks


Edgar Allan Poe's: The Raven by Markiewitz Audioworks

Edgar Allan Poe's: Manuscript Found in a Bottle by Markiewitz Audioworks

Not the Seasons I Expected: A Fan's Memoir by Blant Hurt

Somewhat About Wine by David Girard

The First Consulting Detective by W. S. Mulrooney


A Cowboy Proposal (Brush Creek Cowboys Romance Series Book 3) by Liz Isaacson

A New Family for the Cowboy (Brush Creek Cowboys Romance Series Book 4) by Liz Isaacson

Brush Creek Cowboy (Brush Creek Cowboys Romance Series Book 1) by Liz Isaacson

Edgar Allan Poe's: The Cask of Amontillado by Markiewitz Audioworks

Edgar Allan Poe's: The Tell-Tale Heart by Markiewitz Audioworks

Faith and Hope by John J. Law

James Faraday and the Last Train to Perdition by John J. Law

Schooled by the Cowboy (Brush Creek Cowboys Romance Series Book 6) by Liz Isaacson

The Buffalo Gun (Book 2 of the Walking Y Saga) by Jeter Isely

The Cowboy and the Champion (Brush Creek Cowboys Romance Series Book 5) by Liz Isaacson

The Cowboy's Challenge (Brush Creek Cowboys Romance Series Book 2) by Liz Isaacson

The Walking Y (Book 1 of the Walking Y Saga) by Jeter Isely


Don't Hide From Me: Luc (The McCabe Brothers, Book 5) by Lorhainne Eckhart

Don't Leave Me (The McCabe Brothers, Book 4) by Lorhainne Eckhart

Finding Home (The Street Fighter Series, Book 1) By Lorhainne Eckhart

The Gatekeeper (The O'Connell's, Book 17) by Lorhainne Eckhart

The Hunted (The O'Connell's, Book 18) by Lorhainne Eckhart

The Russian Who Saved the World by CAPT Steven E. Maffeo, USN (ret)

The Quiet Day (The O'Connell's, Book 4) by Lorhainne Eckhart


Blood Rain by James Keith

Forbidden by Peter Benedict

DISCLAIMER:  This ONLY apply to works narrated by Jason Markiewitz or produced by Markiewitz Audioworks and is intended only to help guide my listeners and provide one person's (yours truly) assessment on content.  It will only be viewable and used on and will not be used, iterated, or referenced on any other site up to and including Audible, or any audiobook retailer now or in the future.  It is not authorized or approved by any author, nor is it an "official" rating scale similar to the MPAA for rating Motion Pictures.  It is not recognized as an official rating scale by ANYONE (except me) and should be considered my opinion and best judgment to help (anyone who cares to use it) make a more informed decision.  Headphones, glasses, and mustaches are not included!